Over recent years, several organizations have created guidelines for the treatment of various disorders, including PTSD, dissociation, and related issues. This page collects links to online versions of treatment guides relevent to emotional trauma issues, as these guides may be helpful for some clinicians.
In addition, please note that the Disaster page includes a section of links to disaster mental health (DMH) guides, primarily of interest to disaster workers. While DMH guides focus on issues pertinent in disaster areas (and for individuals in crisis), they may also be useful for clinicians dealing with patients in crisis. In either case, please explore the disaster mental health guides as well as the treatment guides listed below.
I present these guidelines for the treatment of trauma-related disorders with
some reservations. Current stress research misses some fundamental
defensive responses to traumatizing experiences. These autonomic defense
states likely underlie several trauma-related disorders and their varied
symptoms. Certainly, the efficacy of treatments for trauma-related
disorders need to be evaluated, but such assessments need to consider all
defense states elicited by stress and trauma. As I have recently written,
this is not currently the case: "Note that no 'evidence-based' psychotherapeutic
approach for trauma-related disorders has been evaluated for its efficacy in
treating defense states. Hence, none can show evidence of efficacy with
specific defenses" (Baldwin,